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Back from a Summer Of Darkness

My last Blog entry roughly began 'where to start' irony would have it that is exactly what i'm feeling right now....realistically my problems began since before my last entry but me being me i decided to ignore a twinge that was developing from mid June.I stupidly said to myself that any pain i was getting would pass and that i'd be fine.But,i truth my problems were just beginning and through the entire i have been battling with agonizing back,hip and groin pain.Doctors had been putting me on strong painkillers that only led to other problems.I've had a hip x-ray and failed MRI due to claustrophobia.All of the above took me mentally to a dark place making me feel very depressed.

I'm due to go back to work very soon but won't be back at work full time till November.Consequently all my work with both Atlantis At The Movies & Trance Euphoria International Radio was put on hold indefinitely while i recovered.

The title of my Brand New Mix 'Out Of The Darkness I See You' comes out of the way i have felt all Summer....currently in the new schedule is my 'sunset mix'.....the 'sunrise mix' is coming soon.

Atlantis at The Movies has also had a makeover for October and the worlds best composers and songs from movies are there and the very best of chillout.Plus...with 007 and 'Spectre'...due out very soon...expect Sam Smith-Writing's On The Wall to join the entire collection of legendary bond anthems that grace the schedule.

The best mix of blissful trance continues 24 hours a day.Archive 'Vault Of Trance' to be showcase alongside the Brand New Releases.

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