The Website Doth Evolve!

Crikey where to start....The official birthday of Trance Euphoria International Radio just 2 days i'm officially 10 years old!That's great news,the station is now available on more platforms that i think i can remember...and to add to all of that my sister radio station which,when it was on it was known as ISS Atlantis and then when it moved to Sam Vibe on Network it was known as ISS Atlantis At The Movies and now broadcasting just one week old via Radionomy i've dropped the ISS and it is now known as Atlantis At The Movies and i've worked as hard to ensure all tracks have accurate album artwork and is available on every single platform that Trance Euphoria International Radio is.Those of you who do follow either or both the radio stations on your mobiles or tablets i am well aware that station and track and album art is incorrect in somecases at present.I am currently liasing with the appropriate support teams to correct this issue.Like i said the list for both stations is quite lengthy and so i will dedicate a specific page on the website to all sites that you can listen to the radio stations.To wet your appetite though....because i had success with adding the station to the Windows Media Guide once again i approached them with Atlantis At The Movies and within a very short time it has already been added and when you go to their site and tap in Trance Euphoria International Radio both my stations pop up at the top of the page.
But yes the website doth evolve and i felt had to....with the addition of my new Film Soundtrack radio station being able to dedicate alot to it i feel is really important...besides i've got alot airing on the station which are Rare or Limited Edition and the chance to be able to play them is what did i do?...the website name had to change and of course the main website itself.Changes have already taken place to incorporate Atlantis At The Movies...have a gander i hope you like that as much as the trance....if not don't worry just concentrate on the trance or vice versa!
So...i am still battling on 2 fronts...with regards Trance Euphoria International current monthly Total Listening Hours are only #41 and i need to be at #130 by January or the station gets i concerned....well yes...mainly because whenever the listening figures are improving Radionomy have major technical issues which means your station along with everyone else on the Network has no music...and there was one time the other month where they had sooomany problems they had this one ridiculously lousy song not fit for any station looping on every single station on the what happens then?, lose listeners they look's a constant talking point on a private forum on Facebook for broadcasters/ why do i stay? you know what?...sounds crazy but if Radionomy didn't have all these problems it would be the best platform to broadcast from....i guess i'm praying they work it out....and above all its FREE to listen and broadcast.
So as i have already mentioned on the website homepage i am unwell at the moment.I won't bore you all with the details but it is leaving me in alot of pain...and therefore although i could do it...i am not going to do any Live shows until i am fully recovered.I will keep you posted when the next live show will be.
I'm going to end on some good news....and unexpected....ever since i set up my new station Atlantis At The Movies on Radionomy i have found that it is also broadcasting on Shoutcast...i suppose i should have realised because Radionomy either merged or took over Shoutcast last year.So if your a Shoutcast/Winamp or any M3U listener welcome to my new film soundtrack station.
By the case your wondering i am still wondering why TEIR isn't on Shoutcast but my new station is?....i am working on it guys.
So thats it for now....if you love the movies and you love the soundtracks and songs from them you'll love my new station...the website has evolved with it....two radio stations....double the fun!